Reluctant BI Answers about Finance

JAKARTA - Acting (Acting) Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Nasution Nasution would not comment on the answer to the Minister of Finance (Finance) Sri Mulyani of BI reports which were considered to be complete before the Special Committee (Special Committee) Rights Questionnaire Century Bank.

"I have not commented before, let the committee go," said Nasution told reporters on Friday (15/1/2010) in Jakarta.

Earlier, Sri Mulyani threw his frustration with the performance of BI when examined as a witness in the investigation of the Special Committee meeting Rights Questionnaire Parliament. Finance Minister admitted that time was not satisfied about the report containing the problems of BI in Bank Century.

When asked about the improvement in the BI, especially the problem of bank supervision, Nasution said it had made several steps.

According to him, reform of bank supervision carried out since 2006 by uniting the Bank Inspection Directorate and the Directorate of Bank Supervision. "Improvements have been done. If you follow the news why an explanation of merger (Century) and all that it was time in the 2000s. It's time for Supervision and Inspection directorate separately so often disagreements between the two," Nasution said.

Since 2006, he continued, the two directorates are merged to eliminate differences of opinion between the two directorates.

At the end of December 2008, said Nasution, Boediono (former Governor of Bank Indonesia) also did reposition the senior officials at the Bank, including in the Directorate Supervision.

Nasution said that BI had to make corrections, but there needs to be done, ie the potential number of rules interpretation or discretion will be corrected. "Regulations must be fixed so as not to give birth again the opportunity to interpret or for discretion," he said.

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Clarification name, the Special Committee Century Call INTRAC

JAKARTA, - Special Rights Committee Questionnaire Century Bank next week will call back to the Head of Reporting and Analysis Center for Financial Transactions (PPATK) Yunus Husein bailout fund flows associated Rp 6.7 trillion.
The names are similar to the political elite of Sri Mulyani, Hadi Utomo, Fahmi Idris, Megawati, and Frans Seda.

Apart from asking for explanations and clarifications related names similar to the government and political elite, the House Special Committee also will invite the names that appear due to receive the flow of funds in the period of time Century Bank received an injection of Deposit Institution (LPS).

"However, until now we still will learn and will first discuss it internally in the Century Bank of the Special Committee. However, about that's what we agendakan," said Idrus Marham, when contacted Compass, Thursday (14/1/2010) at the Parliament Building, Jakarta.

Idrus acknowledge that names similar to the political elite as presented INTRAC. In fact, there are the names that receive the flow of funds Century Bank. However, Idrus claimed not to know who these names.

"I do not know, because they have not discussed in committee," he dodged.

However, Idrus admitted flows related reports from INTRAC, who received the Special Committee and the House of Representatives in early January, was distributed to each faction in the Parliament.

Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Special Committee of Struggle PDI faction from Gaius Lumbuun, two weeks ago, before leading the investigation against the former head of Bank Indonesia is responsible for banking supervision, has officially announced the members of the House Special Committee. At that time, Gaius said the House Special Committee will soon discuss it first.

From the information collected Compass, the names are similar to the political elite of Sri Mulyani, Hadi Utomo, Fahmi Idris, Megawati, and Frans Seda.

Described by INTRAC own search results on ID card number, address of the sender based on the originating bank, the figure of the names are not the same as the actual name of the elite.

However, beyond that there are related names listed elites receive funding streams. The names themselves are still traceable.

Meanwhile, until this evening, Yunus Husein, still have not provided answers to questions related Compass names similar funds elite names that have cash flow Century Bank.

Government Ensure the Fuel Price and TDL Will Not Rise

JAKARTA, - Government to ensure there will be no increase in fuel prices and electricity rates in 2010 despite the world oil price is still fluctuating. Without a rate increase, the government is optimistic that the performance and reliability of supply by the state electricity company PLN is or can be improved.
Economic Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa mention it in the Office of the President, Jakarta, Wednesday (13 / 1).
"We have seen that there is absolutely no possibility to raise fuel prices," he said. Related to this, the government proposed the addition of fuel oil subsidies (BBM), LPG, and biofuels is Rp 28.1 trillion.
Oil price assumption in the Budget 2010 the government also proposed to be revised in the Budget 2010 changes to 80 U.S. dollars per barrel. Earlier oil price assumption of 65 dollars a barrel. The price of crude oil in the world market today range from 80 dollars a barrel.
"Right now, right, is still very volatile, oil prices quickly changed. Later we see in the Revised discussion, but we do not rush to conclusions because of our standards, is not, for one year, "said Hatta.
According to Hatta, the government does not want to decide on a limit to how rising world oil prices would also make the fuel price in the country increased.
"Do not berprediksi once, let alone predict an increase in oil prices," he said.
With the addition of electricity subsidies, Coordinating Minister also confirmed that PLN can still be strengthened and improved performance without the need to raise the TDL.
"The government will concentrate on improving the performance of PLN, PLN's financial problem solving, and strengthen the reliability of supply to PLN byarpet not anymore," said Hatta.
Press release Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said, the retail selling price of a particular fuel, premium gasoline, diesel oil, and kerosene as of January 15, 2010 did not change. The Government will continue to follow the fluctuations in world oil prices in one to two months in advance.

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Sri Mulyani: There Is No losses due Country to Save Century

JAKARTA, - Former Chief Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK) Sri Mulyani Indrawati said, the problem is excess Century Bank of the global crisis began to hit Indonesia. Conditions faced by the decision-making, he said, seeing the widespread kriris indicators into the world of banking mid October to November 2008. He said, flushing rescue fund for Century Bank had caused losses to the state.

"I have not seen any losses to the state," said Sri Mulyani, who also served as Minister of Finance, as members of the Special Committee to answer questions Case Questionnaire Century Bank in the examination, Wednesday (13/1/2010) at the Parliament Building, Jakarta.

While Capital Investments (PMS) which digelontorkan at Century Bank is funding Deposit Institutions (LPS). "And yet to be decided as a loss, because his bank is still there," he said.

Century Bank is currently operating under the name Bank of Pearl. Century saving decisions are considered Sri Mulyani is part of crisis prevention and management according to a given line of policy the President. President, he explained, mandating that the crisis of 2008, Indonesia must not fall in the hole as the crisis that occurred in 1997-1998.

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Japan cooperate with Indonesia

Jan 12,2010

JAKARTA--A delegation of government and business leaders agreed with their Indonesian counterparts Monday to increase cooperation on improving the Southeast Asian nation's infrastructure through such means as developing expressway systems.

The delegation, which included Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Masayuki Naoshima and Fujio Mitarai, chairman of the Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren), met in Jakarta with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, economic ministers and local captains of industry.

The two nations will formulate plans to develop economic corridors connecting major cities with infrastructure such as expressways and bridges. They aim to quickly turn a vision into reality through the use of private Japanese finance and technology.

As well as supporting economic growth in Indonesia, the Japanese government will get involved from the planning stage with the intention of helping Japanese firms win orders for work related to the developments.

At the meeting, Naoshima raised the fact that Japan had brought about rapid economic growth centered on the Pacific Belt, and added that the "economic corridor would be an effective means of development."

Mitarai said, "It'll be a great business opportunity for domestic and foreign firms.

Sachio Nikaido / Yomiuri Shimbun Staff Writer

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