Parliament: Government Expenditures Rise, Society Must Prosperous

Komisi XI DPR mempertanyakan kenaikan defisit anggaran dalam RAPBN-Perubahan 2010 yang membengkak menjadi 2,1 persen dari PDB atau Rp 129 , 8 triliun dibandingkan dalam APBN 2010 yang hanya 1,6 persen atau Rp 98 triliun.

Kenaikan defisit ini ditopang oleh kenaikan belanja negara yang juga melonjak mencapai Rp 57 triliun menjadi Rp 1.104,6 triliun dalam RAPBN-P 2010 dibandingkan dalam APBN-P 2010 yang hanya 1.047,7 triliun.

Anggota Komisi XI DPR dari Fraksi Partai Gerindra Sandra Subagyo mengatakan pemerintah mematok defisit anggaran dengan asumsi penyerapan belanja bisa 100 persen. Padahal, realisasi APBN pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa penyerapan anggaran hanya sekira 95 persen.

"Defisit selalu dilakukan dengan asumsi penyerapan 100 persen. Itu tidak pernah penyerapan itu 100 persen, paling tinggi 95 persen. Tolong analisa itu," kata Sandra, di sela-sela rapat kerja dengan pemerintah dan Bank Indonesia membahas UU APBN-P 2010 , di gedung DPR RI, Jakarta, Selasa ( 13/4/2010 ) malam.

Dalam RAPBN-P 2010 yang dipaparkan oleh pemerintah, defisit anggaran itu akan dibiayai dari sisa lebih penggunaan anggaran (silpa) 2009 sebesar Rp 38,7 triliun dan dari utang luar negeri. Dari segi pembiayaan utang porsi utang luar negeri akan lebih besar dibanding proyeksi semula yaitu menjadi Rp 72,3 triliun dari sebelumnya Rp 57,6 triliun.

Adapun untuk penerimaan negara diproyeksikan mencapai Rp 974 ,8 triliun atau naik Rp 25,2 triliun dibandingkan sebelumnya Rp 949 ,7 triliun.

Sandra menambahkan, postur APBN-P 2010 seharusnya dialokasikan untuk menyejahterakan bangsa. Ini dilakukan dengan peningkatan lapangan pekerjaan sehingga diharapkan masyarakat bisa hidup layak dari pekerjaannya.

"Seandainya masyarakat sudah bekerja, pemerintah juga harus melakukan perbaikan pada system," ujar dia. Selain itu, dia juga mendesak agar pemerintah dan BI membuat kebijakan untuk mendorong penurunan suku bunga kredit bank yang dinilai masih tinggi.

Rapat yang berlangsung sekira enam jam ini, akhirnya diskors dan akan dilanjutkan siang ini pukul 14.00.

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BI Survey: Second Quarter Economic Growth will 5,1-5,5 Percent

Survey of Bank Indonesia (BI) with market perceptions of macroeconomic conditions in the second quarter 2010 will increase and grow in the range of 5,1-5,5 percent.

BI on the survey, Thursday (8/4/2010), estimate, macro-economic conditions in the second quarter will be better than the first quarter of 2010. BI survey involved 68 respondents from the average of the total active respondents who were 75 respondents.

Most respondents (39.7 percent) expect economic growth in second quarter-2010 will be in the range of 5,1-5,5 per cent, or higher than expected economic growth in the first quarter of 2010 amounted to 4.1 to 4.5 percent.

Increased economic growth in second quarter-2010 growth in line with rising expectations tercemin export performance of the current account surplus is expected to slightly increase compared with first quarter 2010.

Meanwhile, there are as many as 22.1 percent of respondents said the economy is at 4,6-5,0 per cent, and amounted to 20.6 percent of respondents predict the economy only grew in the range of 4,1-4,5 percent.

Respondents also believe that by offering better food crops and harvest the first quarter of 2010 to reduce inflationary pressures in the year in the second quarter of 2010.

On the other hand, external pressure from imported inflation (inflation caused by imported goods) is still at least where conditions are relatively stable exchange rate.

Annual inflation in the second quarter 2010 is estimated by the majority of respondents (48.5 percent) in the range of 2,1-3,5 percent.

Meanwhile, most respondents (26.5 percent) predicted that inflation will be at 3,6-4,0 percent (yoy), even only as much as 13.2 percent of respondents expect inflation in the range 4,6-5,0 percent (yoy).

This survey also estimates the exchange rate in second quarter 2010 were relatively stable, because encouraging the improved export performance.

Export performance of a positive influence on the condition of the rupiah against the dollar, where as many as 80.6 percent of respondents are optimistic that the exchange rate in second quarter-2010 is expected to be in the range Rp9.001-9500 per U.S. dollar, meanwhile, as many as 17.9 percent of respondents expect the exchange rate at Rp9.501-10.000 per U.S. dollar.

Current account surplus in second quarter-2010 is estimated larger than the first quarter 2010.

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Quarter I 2010, Indonesia's debt reached Rp 67.3 trillion

Jakarta-During the first quarter of 2010 (January-March 2010), the Indonesian government to increase the amount of cash back debts amounting to Rp 67.3 trillion. Total debt was obtained from the sale of debt securities or government securities (SBN).

This is mentioned in the announcement of the Directorate General of Debt Management Department of Finance, Saturday (3 / 4).

Of the total Rp 67.3 trillion, a total of Rp 37.4 trillion, which was obtained through the auction of Government Securities (SBN). Until 1 April 2010, the total realization of the issuance of SBN either through auctions, bookbuilding, as well as private placements had reached Rp 67.3 trillion or 38.5% of the total target for 2010 gross issuance.

In the year 2010 in accordance with state budgets in 2010, the government will seek through the issuance of debt amounting to Rp 104.4 trillion SBN. Target announced only consider the issuance of SBN by auction and do not include publicity through bookbuilding (SBN SBN foreign exchange and retail) and private placements.

In the second quarter of 2010, the government will publish SBN via auction at Rp 29.4 trillion.

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Indonesia's debt ratings Rise

JAKARTA - The international rating agencies (Standard and Poor's S & P) raised the long-term ratings of foreign currency (debt rating) Indonesia to BB from BB-and long-term local currency of the original remains in the BB +.

"Outlook for both ratings is positive defined," said Director of the Directorate of Strategic Planning and Public Relations Dyah NK Makhijani, issued a statement, in Jakarta, Friday (12/3/2010).

With rising ratings, he added, Indonesia just two notches better investment levels, and positive outlook indicates that Indonesia is likely to get a rating increase in the next year.

Sovereign's President S & P analyst Agost Benard to Indonesia, said that the main factor is the increase in the ratio of government debt ratings continue to improve gradually.

"Increased foreign exchange reserves to support the reduction of susceptibility to shock and fiscal policy management istorikal careful," Bernard said a press release natural.

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Total Debt RI rise 25% Become Rp1.617 T

JAKARTA - The total government debt has reached 25.8 percent in GDP jumped Rp1.617 trillion, in which 62.6 percent or Rp1.012 trillion in SBN and Rp605, 1 trillion came from loans.

"Compared with the year 2005, government debt increased by 23.2 percent or a total of Rp304, 1 trillion. SBN high yield 10-11 per cent, the debt is more expensive than the current loan rate LN-four percent," said House Budget Chairman Harry Azhar Azis, RI in the dialog Political Economy, Budget-P 2010: Commitment to Economic Development, Building BPPT, Jakarta, Monday (5/4/2010).

"Although SBN cheaper than commercial, the debt burden should remain tragically SBN. Full, see SBN outstanding, SBI 3 months, or publication of the coupon yield, exchange rate, and composition of publicity," he said.

Ability of government debt to 30 percent, he said, the scenario does not need long-term deficit and not to raise the economic burden in the future.

"Setting the maturity date, tightening of implementation, cost-benefit for a productive debt, not into the pitfalls of debt," he said.

Meanwhile, the change in revenue deficit financing, grants and total expenditure deficit increased from Rp98 trillion (1.6 percent of GDP), so Rp129, 8 trillion (2.1 percent of GDP). "This is a government proposal," he said.

Meanwhile, the deficit reached Rp129, 8 trillion (APBN-P in 2010) means an increase of Rp31, 8 trillion, equivalent to 32.5 percent, compared with the 2010 state budget. "This is financed from non-debt sources of financing and debt financing Rp106 trillion to Rp23, 8 trillion," he said.

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Indonesian forecasts 5-per-cent economic growth for 2010

Indonesia's economy is to grow by 5 per cent in 2010, while the budget deficit is predicted to be 1.6 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP), down from this year's 2.5 per cent, according to a draft budget unveiled Monday. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said in an address to the House of Representatives the budget deficit in 2010 is anticipated to be 98 trillion rupiah (9.9 billion dollars), or 1.6 per cent of the GDP, as the government plans to continue fiscal stimulus to help the economy recover.

Revenues are to increase by 38.8 trillion rupiah to 911.5 trillion rupiah from the current fiscal year ending December 31, while expenditures are forecast at 1,009.5 trillion rupiah, up 3.8 trillion rupiah.

"The 1.6-per-cent GDP deficit in the bill of the state budget 2010 is appropriate for our economy which remains in the recovery stage from the impact of the global crisis," Yudhoyono said.

Deficit was adjusted to 2.5 per cent of the GDP in the revised 2009 budget.

While the global economy in 2010 is predicted to enter a recovery phase, Yudhoyono warned that this did not mean Indonesia's economic development would be free from challenges.

"Indonesia certainly cannot disengage itself from the impact of the downturn of global economic activities," Yudhoyono said. "Nevertheless, due to rapid and appropriate action, Indonesia was relatively speaking far better off than other countries."

The government proposed to spend 61.2 trillion rupiah in 2010 to boost Indonesia's economy, slightly down from the 70-trillion-rupiah stimulus package in the 2009 budget.

In his speech, Yudhoyono, who won a second five-year term in last month's presidential election with than 60 per cent of the popular vote, said the economy would grow 5 per cent, "or even more" next year, and "even faster" in subsequent years.

Indonesia's economy grew at the fastest pace in South-East Asia in the first quarter, expanding 4.4 per cent from a year earlier.

In an attempt to boost investment in the country, Indonesia is to further intensify law enforcement, harmonizeinvestment laws and ameliorate the bureaucracy towards better public services, the president said.

Inflation is predicted to be around 5 per cent in 2010, he said.

The 2010 proposed budget was drafted based on an average dollar exchange rate of 10,000 rupiah to the dollar and a daily crude oil output 965,000 barrels per day, with oil prices averaging 60 dollars per barrel.

In an attempt to protect the lower segment of society, the government plans to raise wages for government workers by an average of 5 per cent and spend a total of 144.4 trillion rupiah on subsidies for energy, food and fertilizers, he said.

KPK grills former PLN president

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has questioned Fahmi Mochtar, former president of the state electricity company PT PLN, in investigating the possibility of graft in one of the company projects involving Eddie Widiono predecessor.

KPK previously named Eddie as a suspect in this case, which revolves around a computerization project of PLN supply customer information system (CIS-Risi) for Jakarta and Tangerang power distribution unit.

Fahmi came to the KPK office on Monday morning. He briefly said: "I was questioned as a witness for Eddie Widiono".

KPK spokesperson Johan Budi said the state losses due to corruption allegations were estimated to reach USD 45 billion (approximately U.S. $ 493,200).

CIS-risk project initiated by the ITB Polytechnic in the 1990s, but then subcontracted to PT Netway Utama.

Suspicions about collusion emerged when it became known that the head of Polytechnic ITB at the time, Gani Abdul Gani, was also president of Netway.

The total project is valued at around Rp 137 billion.

Commission is also investigating the possibility of corruption in the procurement of IT branch of the East Java-based customer management system project. Hariadi Sadono, former director of the branch has been given the name of the defendant amounted to Rp 80 billion, which causes losses to the state.

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US lowers antidumping duties on RI polyethylene bags

Mustaqim Adamrah , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Mon, 03/22/2010 8:53 AM | Business

United States recently decided to reduce the temporary anti-dumping duties on Indonesian polyethylene bags retail from 67.18 percent to 9.18 percent means a new opportunity for Indonesian producers to re-enter the U.S. market a plastic bag.

Indonesian Association of Plastics Manufacturers Lower (Aphindo) Tjokro Gunawan chairman said Sunday he was satisfied with the decision of the United States.

"We are delighted. The opportunity to [Indonesian] manufacturer of plastic bags' for export [the U.S.] is now open again," he told The Jakarta Post.

He said that he had not received reports that members Aphindo had stopped exports to the United States since the 67.18 percent while the anti-dumping duties imposed in May.

"But with a high margin [67.18 percent], there is no way someone could export," said Tjokro.

Anti-dumping duties imposed, usually in addition to import duties against dumping, in which the alleged exporters sell their products in the country at a price below production costs and / or below the price in domestic market

Tjokro charged that the U.S. first imposed anti-dumping duties as high last year because the country's "soft protect" the domestic market during the global economic crisis as a plastic bag-intensive industries.

"And now as the country is recovering, it has reduced temporary anti-dumping duties," he said.
Department of Commerce trade security director Ernawati talk about the latest U.S. decision last week.

He said that last December, U.S. authorities have been verified Dumping Indonesian exporters alleged to have dumped their polyethylene bags retail in the U.S. market.

He said the new revised temporary anti-dumping duties imposed on products that Indonesia is the lowest compared to that imposed on similar products from other countries including Vietnam and Taiwan.

"The U.S. International Trade Commission, which [is authorized to] decide losses resulting from dumping, asking for an explanation [of our] last week," said the Indonesian government Ernawati from the first filing.

"We told them that our products are exported are handmade, not mass-produced by the production of [the machine]," he added.

He said the Indonesian government will send a second response in the near future before issuing a final anti-dumping duty of U.S. scheduled on April 14.

U.S. launch date of 13 investigations on plastics producers Indonesia, including the CV Dwi Jaya Indah Plastics, Hi-V Plastic Bag Manufacturing, PT Dharma Kritadam, PT Sido Bangun Plastic Industry Plastic Randugarut and PT Indonesia, on April 20, 2009.

U.S. International Trade Administration announced last year that the dumping margin (price difference) for the products of Indonesia, Vietnam, and Taiwan products in the U.S. market products have been between 35.47 percent and 60.24 percent, 28.49 percent and 76.11 percentand 76.25 percent and 95.81 percent, respectively.

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Indonesia Grows at Slowest Pace in 2 Years on Exports

Feb. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Indonesia’s economy expanded at the slowest pace in more than two years as the global recession crimped demand and reduced prices of the nation’s palm oil, rubber and electronics exports.

Southeast Asia’s biggest economy grew a less-than-estimated 5.2 percent in the fourth quarter from a year earlier after gaining a revised 6.4 percent in the previous three months, the statistics bureau said in Jakarta today. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg News had expected a 5.7 percent increase.

Japan’s economy, Indonesia’s biggest overseas market, last quarter shrank the most since the 1974 oil shock amid the world’s worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Bank Indonesia may be under pressure to add to three interest-rate cuts in the past three months as the government estimates exports could rise in 2009 at the slowest pace in nine years.

“The situation is much worse than is being suggested by the numbers,” saidPurbaya Yudhi Sadewa, chief economist at the Danareksa Research Institute in Jakarta. The central bank should lower its policy rate earlier in the year to spur the economy because “if the current trend continues, by the third quarter we will see negative growth,” he said.

Sadewa expects Bank Indonesia to reduce its key rate to 7.5 percent from 8.25 percent.

Palm Oil

PT Excelcomindo Pratama, the nation’s third-largest mobile- phone company, said its revenue from the country’s palm-oil producing regions may decline by as much as 10 percent because of a fall in exports of the commodity. Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of the edible oil.

“Our revenue will be hit quite significantly in those areas,” Excelcomindo’s President Director Hasnul Suhaimi said in an interview last week. “We expect there will be an impact in textile- and shoe-producing areas as well.”

Indonesia’s new-car sales fell for the first time in almost two years in January as slowing economic growth and higher loan rates last year damped demand.

Exports grew 1.8 percent last quarter from a year earlier, according to today’s report, the slowest pace since the three months ended June 2004. Overseas sales plunged 20 percent in December, the biggest drop in more than seven years.

“East Asian economies can’t rely so much on exports because even if the U.S. economy recovers it can’t grow rapidly,” Asian Development Bank PresidentHaruhiko Kuroda said in an interview in Jakarta today. The U.S. needs “more savings, which means the consumption to GDP ratio will be smaller.”

Weaker Currency

The rupiah has dropped more than 6 percent this year, making it the worst-performing currency after the South Korean won among Asia’s 10 most-traded currencies outside Japan.

The rupiah fell 1 percent to 11,888 against the dollar at 2:28 p.m. Thebenchmark stock index, which rose as much as 0.6 percent, was up 0.1 percent after the announcement.

Japan’s gross domestic product shrank at an annualized 12.7 percent pace in the three months to Dec. 31, contracting for the third straight quarter, the Cabinet Office said today in Tokyo.

The economy in Indonesia, Asia’s third-most populated nation, expanded 6.1 percent last year, slowing from 6.3 percent growth in 2007, according to today’s statement. The economy shrank 3.6 percent in the fourth quarter from the previous three months.

To boost employment and consumer demand, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s government plans a 71.3 trillion-rupiah ($6 billion) stimulus package. That includes a plan to give tax breaks that will save individuals and companies 43 trillion rupiah in payments this year.

The government said it will also spend 15 trillion rupiah on discounts for electricity tariffs and public works, adding to a previous plan to outlay 12.5 trillion rupiah on a stimulus package meant to subsidize taxes and duties.

Revitalization of sugar and fertilizer industries requires Rp 70.6t

The Industry Ministry revealed on Monday that the government would need about Rp 70.6 trillion (U.S. $ 7.48 billion) of funds to revitalize sugar and fertilizer industries in the country over the next five years in order to attain food sustainability.

"The majority of the budget or Rp 47.1 trillion will be used to finance fertilizer industry Revitalization, while the rest will be for the sugar industry," Industry Minister MS Hidayat told reporters during his official report announcement on the 100-day program of industry ministry in Jakarta on Monday.

Hidayat explained that USD 45.2 trillion would be used to finance Revitalization of urea factories while USD 1.9 trillion for NPK factories.

According to Hidayat, constitutes an important fertilizer materials for the agriculture sector and the demand for the product increases every year.

"However, several fertilizer factories are now in poor condition and are not efficient anymore," he said, adding that the government predicted the fertilizer production from those factories would not be enough to fulfill the fertilizer demand in the country.

The Revitalization of the fertilizer industry is expected to help meet the domestic fertilizer consumption, which was projected to jump to 23.2 million tons by the year 2025 from only about 1.4 million tons per year in 2009.

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Indonesia: ACFTA transforms smuggled goods into legal imports

Implementation of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) should not cause such fear what will happen is that products smuggled from China will be legalized, the national news agency Antara quoted one Chatib Basri finance minister Indonesia expert, says.

"We have been worried about something that really happened. Chinese products have been here through smuggling. Now just legalising them," he said after the discussion on the 100th day of the first President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono `s administration and the Indonesian economy on Tuesday .

He said the smuggling of Chinese products because prices in China is different from that in Indonesia because of the imposition of import duties.

With the reduction of duties through ACFTA product prices in Indonesia would be the same as in China. "If the reduced duty imports will go to the law. The impact will be seen on the import of data later," he said.

Chatib said that Chinese products have entered the country in the last ten years. He said the reduction in duty will not cause spikes imports.

"When the job an average decline of our task is already low, which is seven per cent so if they cut further impact will not be as scared as we think," he said.

A senior researcher at the Habibie Center, Umar Juoro, meanwhile said the impact of the implementation of ACFTA can not be stopped even be delayed.

"No matter how long it will be delayed will not be stopped. What had become a problem is that China will not relocate the indutries to Indonesia because they needed to provide jobs for its citizens," he said.

In view of that he said the government should be able to push the market to take advantage buinessmen which has been opened through the ACFTA.

"The challenge will be how to create a selective strategy that people will get more benefits," he said.

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Indonesia GDP Growth Rate

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded 4.21% over the last 4 quarters. The Indonesia Gross Domestic Product is worth 514 billion dollars or 0.83% of the world economy, according to the World Bank. Indonesia is the largest national economy in Southeast Asia. It has a market-based economy in which the government plays a significant role by owning more than 164 state-owned enterprises. The government administers prices on several basic goods, including fuel, rice, and electricity. This page includes: Indonesia GDP Growth Rate chart, historical data, forecast and news.

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Pertamina finds local buyers for LNG

State oil producer PT Pertamina has found buyers for liquefied natural gas (LNG) that will be channeled through a planned floating terminal in Teluk Jakarta bay, which is scheduled for construction this year.

Dahlan Iskan, the newly appointed president director for state power company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), said Friday his company would be the biggest buyer of LNG from the terminal.

"In 2011 we require huge amounts of LNG to fuel our power gene-rators and we will probably absorb 80 percent of LNG supplied through the floating terminal," Dahlan said.

"State fertilizer company PT Pupuk Kujang will absorb 18 percent of supply from the LNG terminal," said Evita H. Legowo, director general for oil and gas at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry on the same day via text message.

The LNG terminal in Teluk Jakarta bay will be a joint venture between Pertamina and state gas distributor PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), 70 percent and 30 percent ownership respectively.

The terminal will have a capacity of 500 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (mmscfd) and is expected to absorb US$200 million in total investment.

The terminal is part of the government's program to provide gas infrastructure to anticipate higher domestic demand, especially from the electricity sector.

Beside in Teluk Jakarta, Pertamina also plans to build another floating LNG receiving terminal with similar capacity and production cost in East Java waters.

The two terminal projects are expected to be fully operational by September 2011.

Dahlan said he had discussed the plan to purchase LNG from the terminal with Pertamina president director Karen Agustiawan.

"We also asked Pertamina to immediately begin the construction of the terminal because the supply gas for PLN will depend on the terminal," Dahlan said.

A failure to access LNG supply, Dahlan said, would jeopardize PLN's plan to save Rp 15 trillion worth of efficiency measures in producing electricity.

"We will be forced to use gasoline, which is more expensive," he said.

Last year, PLN said that the company would need 2,233 mmscfd in 2010, while the available supply is about 900 mmscfd.

By 2012, PLN predicts its gas demand will be at 2,474 mmscfd, while the domestic supply may only be 1,781 mmscfd.

Indonesia is the world's third-largest LNG exporter. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) said that gas exports had increased by 1.3 percent from last year to $475 million in 2009.

Japan and South Korea are the main buyers of Indonesian gas.

The government plans to evaluate several gas contracts, which are due to expire, in order to meet the future domestic demand for gas.

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2010, Prospects of Economic Growth Predicted 5.2%

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) predicted the domestic economic outlook is getting better with economic growth estimated approximately 5.2 per cent in 2010. While in 2011 will be six percent.

This occurs because the external conditions are more conducive to world economic recovery.

"But the global recovery is dependent on the success of an exit policy in developed countries and trading partners of Indonesia," said Acting Governor of BI Nasution Nasution, when delivering a speech on the show Dinner Bankers, in Kebon Sirih Building the Bank of Indonesia, Jakarta, Friday (22 / 1 / 2010) night.

While prospects associated price stability, inflationary pressure in 2010 is estimated to still be sourced from a number of market structure issues of food commodities, distribution, and the influence of international prices.

To achieve these economic prospects are a number of challenges. The main challenge is how to encourage the structure a more balanced growth through increased investment.

"This effort would require the availability of adequate infrastructure and improving the investment climate," he said.

In addition, this effort is also very relevant in order to take advantage of opportunities from the global economic recovery, including in inviting foreign direct investment (FDI).

"Characteristics of the processing industry is highly dependent import raw materials and low competitive potential obstacles increased production to meet rising demand in the domestic and external," he said.

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RI to protect industries while complying with ACFTA

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ensured Thursday the government would protect businesses, while pursuing talks with China to avoid negative impacts of the free trade deal between ASEAN and China (the ACFTA).

“We don’t want to be considered breaking the agreement that has been designed by ASEAN members.

We will talk with the Chinese government about [the ACFTA]. We will manage it as well as possible,” he told reporters Thursday at Istana Bogor in West Java after a meeting with top officials.

“On the one hand we must protect the public interest, strengthening and preparing [relevant] elements in our country.

“On the other hand we will continue cooperation with ASEAN and other partners,” he said.

The ACFTA, based on an agreement signed in 2004, becoming fully effective on Jan. 1 this year, has introduced zero tariffs on 6,682 tariff posts in 17 sectors including 12 in manufacturing and five in agriculture, mining and maritime sectors.

To help protect local industries, the House of Representatives’ commission VI overseeing industry and trade has demanded the government renegotiate 228 tariff posts covering garments, furniture and footwear, amongst others.

It has given the government six months to re-negotiate and review trade deal implementation.

Coordinating Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa confirmed the re-negotiation of the FTA was on his agenda with the President, which he said highlighted “our concerns on industries affected by the deal”.

State Cooperatives and SME Minister Syarief Hasan said that the ACFTA might cause damage to 51.3 million SMEs, which he said accounted for 99.99 percent of total businesses in the country, quoting data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).

SMEs employ 90.9 million workers, or 97 percent of the total workforce , he added.

According to the BPS, SMEs contribute more than half of Indonesia’s GDP of Rp 5,400 trillion.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the ACFTA would cause the government to lose Rp 1.6 trillion in import duties, although imports are expected to rise.

In 2010 it is estimated that import duties may drop to Rp 16.5 trillion from Rp 18.1 trillion last year, while the volume of imports may rise from US$95.7 billion to $132.9 billion from $95.7 billion.

The average percentage tariff levied on imports fell to 1.58 percent in 2010 down from 1.82 percent last year, she said.

But these losses will be compensated for by increasing value added tax on imported goods, estimated to increase more than 50 percent to Rp 102.2 trillion this year from Rp 66.3 trillion in 2009.

Hatta said that among the measures to help bolster local industries’ competitiveness were more support to improve infrastructure as well as fiscal incentives to those directly affected by the ACFTA agreement.

The re-negotiation was proposed by businesses as a result of fears of losing product domestic market shares to cheaper Chinese products.

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Computers Most Expensive House Series 'Just' USD $ 13 Millions

Jakarta - Computer Studio One is dedicated to members of the Board in Senayan does have a variety of series with different specifications.

DetikINET search results, the dig-match from Dell official website, Friday (22.1.2010), shows that the lowest series of Dell's PC output is worth USD 699, while the most expensive dibanderol 'just' EUR 1382.

The price was certainly jomplang with budgets being poured in to finance the computer board. It is said that the budget reaches Rp 16 million per unit.

The most expensive series has a specification, the Intel E5300, 2GB RAM Memory, 320GB Hardisk capacity, Geforce 9200 graphics card, 18.5 inch LCD and OS Windows Vista Home Basic.

While the most expensive to converge high enough, ie, using an Intel Quad Core Q8200, 4GB RAM memory, 640GB Hardisk capacity, Geforce 9400 graphics card, LCD 18.5 inch touch screen with multi touch support and Operating System Windows 7 Home.

Where Time Budget?

If we wish the highest price EUR 1382 (USD 13 Million), the logic is still there the rest of the budget to Rp 3 million of the per-unit. Then where the rest of the budget, there is a purchase tax or whether there are other factors?

Indeed, for the purchase of commercial, Dell allows customers to change according to desired specifications. But what the specification changes can exceed the most expensive version of it?

Moreover, particular in Indonesia, only Dell brings Studio One 1 series with specifications that can not be changed. The price was pegged even decreased since first introduced. (Eno / wsh)

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BPK: fiscal stimulation 2009 uneven

JAKARTA - fiscal stimulus funds specifically for infrastructure in 2009 is thought to be proportional or equal to between one region to another. Channeling is also indicated not based on real needs in the field, but on the basis for the budget-between areas that are not evenly distributed.

"This fiscal stimulus it is also used to decide on the House Budget Committee, there could have been much divided up between members of budget committees on the basis of his election district. As a result, not all areas get the quota," said Member State Audit Board (BPK) Ali Masykur Musa in Jakarta, Thursday (21/1/2010).

Total budget of the special fiscal stimulus the government provided the infrastructure to counter the global financial crisis pemburukkan early in 2009 reached Rp 12.2 trillion. These funds were distributed only in a short time to the regions, ie three months.

"For example, there are areas in the southern part of East Java who happened to be represented by a member of Parliament in the Budget Committee, then he will memperolh fiscal stimulus that infrastructure. Aerah d While other East Java not necessarily get it," said Ali.

On this basis, the CPC agenda for the implementation of a performance audit of infrastructure stimulus programs. The results of the audit are recommendations related to the implementation of government fiscal stimulus in the future.

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Syndicate Bank Collapse Customer Funds

JAKARTA - The case of break-banking customer account balances through automatic teller machines (ATMs) more marak.Bank Indonesia (BI) suspected international syndicate was behind the burglary.

DEPUTY Governor of BI Budi Rochadi revealed, until yesterday BI has received the customer's account break-ins reported at six banks namely Bank Central Asia (BCA), Bank Mandiri, Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Permata and Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII).

Value loss due to burglary was confirmed billions of dollars from a bank because there are broken up Rp4, 1 billion from 236 customer accounts. "Mode does the same is happening in foreign countries. We think there is an international network of syndicates that do piercing it, "said Budi Rochadi in Jakarta yesterday. Burglary cases banking customer account balances via an ATM banking back terjadi.Kalangan began receiving reports from customers about this case on January 16, 2010.

From the initial investigation results are known, piercing the customer's account after the perpetrators stole an ATM card data through the friction process (skimming) or recording (taping) and shadowing personal identification number (PIN) customers (see infografis). Mode like this bloom occurred in Toronto, Canada , since last year. In Indonesia this case often occurs later in Bali. To prevent the spread of break-through ATM bank, Bank Indonesia asked banks to evaluate and detect all the ATM machines and electronic data capture (EDC). BI also asked banks immediately implement chip-based debit cards.

"We expect people to remain calm and wise and careful in doing banking transactions, especially using an ATM card. We also appealed to banks to bear the loss of customers, "he said. Until yesterday in Bali had recorded 15 clients who reported to the police-related case, some of them foreign nationals. They report to a number of police, Poltabes Denpasar, Bali or the Police. "The total loss was certainly our hitung.Tapi reach hundreds of millions of rupiah," said Pol Kapoltabes Kombes Denpasar Widana Gede Alit. From the official number of victims who reported to the police, most of the customers in the region BCA Kuta, Badung.

In Kuta police until yesterday afternoon there were five customers reported money in the account value reduced by the amount of bervariatif, began tens to hundreds of millions of rupiah. Even a customer, Lily Syriac, reported losing money Rp140 million. In his report, Lily admitted that it had learned during BCA check account balances via mobile banking on his cell phone on Sunday (17 / 1) 22.30 Wita. "I was really surprised to see the balance in the account Rp2.027.000 only. And I never deal last balance was still Rp142.027.000, "he said.

Two other BCA customers who also report to police Kuta is a citizen of the United States, namely Nicksic Robert Allan, and Richard Lewis Garrison. Nicksic reported as lost Rp25 million balance at the ATM to check the bank in Jalan Dewi Sri, Kuta, while Garrison reported his money gone Rp18, 5 million while the balance at an ATM to check the bank in Jalan Laksmana, Kuta. "The total value of the loss of five customers who reported to us to reach Rp255, 5 million," said Dody AKP Kapolsek Prawiranegara Kuta. Similar cases against customers of Bank Permata. A customer, Wayan Suparta, admitted to shrink balance Rp11, 5 million.

He then reported to the police Ubud. There are also foreign customers at Bank Permata Teuku Umar, Denpasar, who became the victim and was reported to police South Denpasar. He is Dario Kovacic, 47 years, Russian citizens living in Sanur, which lost money to Rp46 million. Besides the 15 officially reported victims, allegedly still many customers who choose reluctant to report because it was promised would be resolved internally by the bank. "Said the bank, two weeks everything will be resolved," said one customer BCA Branch of Kuta which declined to be named . Bali Police chief Inspector General of Police Sutisna said, his department was still investigating the various possible causes of the incident.

The possibility is included behavior of hackers who break into customer money. Although there are cases, bank activity in Denpasar and Kuta yesterday walked normal.Tidak no sign of withdrawing large sums of money by the customer. Visible armed police guard at the bank, security posts, as well as in front of the ATM. "This could be useful to anticipate at least actors who are desperate for action," said Sutisna. The police asked for banking customers to replace the lost funds.

"Yes, if the money lost it must be replaced because it kanbentuk of risk," said Head of Criminal Investigation (Kabareskrim) Police Headquarters Police Commissioner General Ito Sumardi International Airport Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang, Banten, yesterday. According to Ito, it had contacted Bali police chief and several banks in order to audit the ATM security system. He reminded that this incident could have happened to bank customers in other regions. "There may be other parties who are victims, too, will our data," he said.

Digital information technology expert forensic Ruby Z Alamsyah mode burglary suspect was done by syndicates who work neatly and professionally. Theft of money customers through ATM transactions can only be done using sophisticated equipment. "At least, there are three or four tools used to steal money from customers through ATM. The device is an ATM Skimmer, spy camera, magnetic writer, and tools to make fake ATM cards, "he said. He tells us, is not it difficult to get all the equipment. Only need capital of about USD1.000-1500.

"Moreover, all the equipment can be purchased through the Internet," he explained. It is difficult for customers to anticipate steps. One of the customers that can be done, says Ruby, is to know the right ATMskimmeritu tool. Unfortunately, customers in Indonesia have not understood how the form of an ATM Skimmer and need socialization to recognize the device. According to Ruby, in this case, the anticipation responsibilities in this perbankan.Kejadian industry shows that the bank's security procedures were still not optimal.

Intensify supervision

Diamond BNI Corporate Secretary Adams Katoppo admit there BNI customers who become victims of burglary customer account balance through the ATM. BNI will intensify supervision and doing search on the ATM-ATM company. "We do early detection of events that are not desirable," said Intan.

BNI currently is conducting the identification and verification of the report reduced balance due to some banking customers of suspicious transactions. If the verification shows that the reduction in balance due to factors outside the customer's negligence, BNI will replace the customer's money that the victim in a 2 x 24 hours after the results of verification. Vice President Director of Bank Permata Herwidayatmo explained, it's still in an investigation of the case. Bank Permata is coordinating with the BI and the local police.

"We still go into the case," he said. Bank Permata've got an internal team, legal team, information technology (IT), and risk management from headquarters to branch offices of Bank Permata in Bali. Bank Permata attempt to resolve the issue no later than one week ahead. BCA in the press release stated, the case indicated the loss of money due to shadowing customer PIN by unauthorized parties.

"Has occurred is indicated by shadowing PIN unauthorized parties when transacting at an ATM customer's bank in Bali some time ago," the press release contained in subdivisions released yesterday BCA Public Relations in Jakarta. BCA also has security measures in order to perform a similar incident does not happen again.

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BI follow-up matter disappearance Fund Investor

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia has been coordinating with the banks and the police to solve crime problems related disappearance some customer account balances at certain banks.

"People are expected to remain calm and wise and careful in doing banking transactions, especially using an ATM card," call the Public Relations Bureau Chief Difi A BI Johansyah BI in a press release, Wednesday (20/1/2010) evening.

Some banks that reported on this case to Bank Indonesia is the BCA, Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, Bank Permata, and BII. "From the initial investigation has occurred is known that the ATM card data theft through the process of taping and skimming or PIN peeking by unauthorized parties. For that, the bank has done the necessary precautions," he said.

He mentioned, Bank Indonesia has obtained a commitment from the bank concerned to resolve the issue in time as soon as possible.

According to him, BI will be asked all banks to re-evaluate and detect all ATM machines, including machines electronic data capture (EDC) located at various locations and merchants, to ensure no misuse of these machines.

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Sri Mulyani denied Retreat, Rupiah Back Confidence

JAKARTA - Trust markets rebounded after several parties expressed rumors pelengseran Sri Mulyani as Financial Manteri denied. Rupiah was projected to be re-strengthened in trading Wednesday (20/1/2010) this.

"Disclaimer significant enough to resignation rumors Sri Mulyani lift back confidence," said Chief Economist BNI, Tony Prasetiantono to Legal in Jakarta, Wednesday (20/1/2010).

In addition, positive sentiment is driving the rupiah strengthening USD which was being tended to weaken (down trend).

He explained that if the current U.S. administration and the Fed was not too concerned with the weakening USD and domestic inflation due to their increased money printing (printing money) to cover the budget deficit USD1, 4 trillion, equivalent to 10 percent of U.S. GDP. "What is important, the domestic economy continued to grow and cut unemployment below 10 percent," he added.

Because of that, he projected that if the rupiah could strengthen to continue Rp9.200 per USD in trading today.

In trading yesterday, Tuesday, January 19 rupiah to close higher-level thin Rp9.225 per USD when compared with the closed trading yesterday at Rp9.230 per USD. Meanwhile, for the sale of rupiah exchange rate observed in Rp9.271 level, while the exchange rate to buy is Rp9.179 per USD. (css)

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Looking forward to healthy banking expansion

It would be safe to say that these days most Indonesians are familiar with banking. Just look at any ATM and you will find many people standing in line, either to withdraw cash or to make other transactions.

Many banks have branches in small towns and they are currently offering creative and innovative products to customers. These include giveaways that lure many customers. However, the recent Bank Century scandal has shocked many and to a certain extent has made many customers wary as it shows that banks are not totally safe.

The scandal involves the ballooning price of saving the bank from liquidation that cost the state an extra Rp 4.72 trillion (US$513 million) from the initial estimated cost. This figure is the difference between the Rp 6.762 trillion injected into the bank by the Insurance Deposit Agency and the estimated stock value when the bank has to be divested in 2011.

The government and Bank Indonesia (BI) are being held responsible for the bailout. Apart from questioning the swelling cost of the bailout and the matter of financial transparency, the House of Representatives is also questioning the legality of saving the bank.

Of course we all appreciate the legislatives’ efforts in trying to unravel the mystery behind the Bank Century case so that the public can be fully informed and that such a case does not occur ever again even if there is political pressure.

Whether it has a direct correlation or not, clearly credit or loan provision in 2009 did not expand in a healthy way. This has created a pessimistic atmosphere for 2010.

The situation has been made worse by the impact of the global financial crisis. The crisis has indeed weakened many business sectors in the country. The reduction in investment applications and work capital has reduced banks’ provision of loans. Up until October 2009, BI indicated an annual growth of banking loan provision at a mere 5 percent. This is extremely lower than the 2008 figure, which grew 30 percent to Rp 1.307 trillion.

However, according to BI Deputy Governor Muliaman D. Hadad, the condition of the country’s bank in 2009 was solid enough as indicated by a number of financial indicators. Although there was pressure in the liquidity of the banks they were still able to get a significant amount of deposits. In October, third party funds grew by 11.3 percent, which was higher than the growth in the provision of loans.
So, how about 2010? Muliaman predicts that national loan provision will grow by 15.42 percent or about Rp 268 trillion.

This is indeed an optimistic outlook. Banks, such as Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), are not as optimistic. Gatot M. Suwondo, president director of BNI, says that banks can expand their loan provision by 15 percent this year, with loans mostly channeled to meet the needs of the infrastructure, electricity and manufacturing sectors.

Gatot said that the macro economy indicators were not normal yet. “We are not forcing a big expansion this year because the country’s economy has not fully recovered,” he said.

Many business players indeed need bank loans to expand their business amid optimism that the global economy is going to recover.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has also requested the banks expand their credits in order to support the country’s economic development for this year. She said a growth in loan provision would help Indonesia achieve the economic growth target set in the 2010 state budget, which is between 5 and 5.5 percent.

She also reminded that banks should remain healthy so that there should be no liquidity problems.

‘’If the banks remain healthy and expand their credits or loan provision by more that 15 percent then Indonesia’s economy in 2010 will certainly be better,’’ she said in December 2009.

She also added that everyone involved in the banking industry should keep on learning how to maintain the healthiness of banks and to manage them well so that problems do not occur in the future.

Of course a prudent management of banks is the key to avoiding cases like Bank Century. BI has created a blueprint for the development of a healthy banking system, which is called Indonesia’s Banking Architecture (API).

This provides direction and guidelines for the banking industry to progress over a period of five to 10 years in the future. The policies formulated in the API are intended to create a solid, healthy and efficient banking system for a stable financial system to support national economic growth.

API, launched on Jan. 9, 2004 as a follow-up to the bank restructuring program launched in 1998, is part of the government and BI efforts to rebuild the country’s economy after being devastated by the 1997/1998 Asian economic crisis.

BI keeps perfecting the programs set in the API in an effort to establish a stronger foundation for the country’s banking system and in view of new developments at home and in the global economy.

BI wants the API to also incorporate specific strategies to develop sharia banking, People’s Credit Bank (BPR) and small and medium enterprises. “The API is expected to include more complete and comprehensive programs that cover general banks as well as BPR, both conventional or sharia, and the development of small and medium enterprises,” said Muliaman.

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Rupiah may weaken to 9,700 in first quarter

The rupiah may weaken to Rp 9,700 per US dollar by the end of the first three months of 2010 as investors buy dollars, in the light of uncertainties on the global economic recovery, Standard Chartered Bank said.

The dollar will bounce back in the first quarter of this year to be followed by a consolidation in
the second quarter, before weakening in the second half this year as the Western economies are predicted to stay weak for several years, the UK-based bank said in a research report.

The rupiah is predicted to gain to Rp 8,900 per dollar by the end of 2010 as the economy expands at 5.5 percent, Callum Henderson, the bank’s global head of foreign currency research, told a forum held by Standard Chartered on Monday.

“There will be a question on valuation, and a question on recovery [in the first quarter this year] ... It will be volatile for the asset market and currencies in general,” he said.

Currencies are traded in the asset market.

The rupiah declined for a second day, its first back-to-back loss in a month, as investors sold riskier assets after reports of losses at the retail banking subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and on reports of the deteriorating financial position of the Greek economy, Bloomberg reported.

The rupiah weakened 0.4 percent to 9,230 per dollar as of 3:25 p.m. in Jakarta.

However, it has gained 1.7 percent this year after jumping a total of 16 percent in 2009, and having reached a 17-month high of Rp 9,121 to the US dollar on Jan. 11.

A study by Bank Danamon said the rupiah may strengthen to Rp 9,000 to the dollar in the near term, but then soar to Rp 9,500 by the year’s end due to a combination of rising inflation in Indonesia and in the expectation of global increases in bank interest rates.

Standard Chartered senior economist Fauzi Ichsan predicted Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves would increase up to US$73 billion from $66.11 billion in December 2009, and that this would help to strengthen the rupiah in terms of its value against the US dollar.

Following the rupiah depreciation in the first quarter of this year, the Jakarta Composite Index will also probably undergo a correction, said Fauzi.

At the closing of trading on Monday the Jakarta Composite Index had dropped 0.17 percent to 2,642.54, as reported by Bloomberg.

Fauzi also said the central bank would probably raise its key policy rate by 100 basis points to 7.5 percent later this year as inflation might accelerate to 5.5 percent later due to surging commodity prices.

“They may force the government to raise subsidized fuel prices and the electricity base-tariff, although not within the first three months,” he said.

Coordinating Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said the government would spend the Rp 38 trillion ($4,1 billion) budget surplus accumulated from 2009 to stabilize administered prices (for example of fuels, electricity and key commodities) and to boost infrastructure projects.

“Inflation will be maintained at 5 percent although there is the possibility of plus or minus [some degree of variation],” he said.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said last week inflation might rise as high as 5.5 percent due to surging commodity prices, most notably rises in the price of fuel oil.

Standard Chartered estimated oil might be traded at between $80 and $90 per barrel during this year.

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Indonesia's economy will strong in 2010

JAKARTA,Projected growth in gross domestic product (GDP) are pegged by the government this year estimated at 5.5 percent is achieved. Taimur Baig as Senior Economist of Deutsche Bank said global economic growth started to recover since the end of 2009 will affect Indonesia to build its economic resilience to the impact of the global economic crisis.

"The level of sustainable economic growth and domestic financial markets to make Indonesia a relatively strong immune from the global financial crisis. This is a sound basis for a stable economy and sustainable growth in 2010," said Taimur in Jakarta, Tuesday (19/1/2010) .

Deutsche Bank estimates 2010 economic growth will be driven by investment and trade sectors. This is different from the economic growth of 4.3 percent in 2009, mostly driven by consumption growth.

"With the economy and the manufacturing sector is growing stronger over the past year, the Indonesian economy in 2010 grew stronger," he said.

Globally, the institute estimates that world GDP growth reached 3.9 percent in 2010. While the U.S. GDP is forecast to grow 3.6 percent in 2010, Japan grew 1.1 percent, and the countries of the European Union that use the euro currency 1.5 percent.

The inflation rate is estimated at an average 6 percent this year or are in the targeted range of Bank Indonesia (BI), which is 4-6 percent.

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RI economy may be impacted by Century case

Indonesia's economy will not suffer in the long run if Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati or Vice President Boediono are ousted from the cabinet over the Bank Century case, a senior economist from Standard Chartered Bank says.

"At the moment, international investors don't consider this case to be very big. But if it can topple the finance minister or the vice president, it will attract more attention. Will it affect Indonesia? Maybe in the short term, but not in the long run," senior economist Fauzi Ichsan said in a forum held by the bank on Monday.

"It won't affect the fundamentals (of Indonesia's economy)," he added.

Analysts say the Century case, involving a bailout worth Rp 6.76 trillion (US $736.84 million), may target Mulyani or Boediono, who were responsible for the bailout decision. The parliament's inquiry committee is summoning all parties involved.

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Monday, January 18, 2010 8:45 PM Be a member & get the benefits! Register or login BPK inconsistent in Bank Century bailout audit: Darmin

Bank Indonesia senior deputy governor and former Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) commissioner Darmin Nasution said Monday that the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) was inconsistent in its report on the Bank Century bailout.

Darmin said BPK had audited LPS and concluded that LPS measures in the bailout were in line with LPS Law. However, BPK issued a different report, saying LPS allegedly engineered measures that were against the law.

"We kept the conclusion on the audit that BPK gave us. We can give it to you," Darmin told the House of Representatives inquiry committee on the Century bailout case.

Darmin was an LPS commissioner when the bailout decision was made in November 2008.

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Reluctant BI Answers about Finance

JAKARTA - Acting (Acting) Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Nasution Nasution would not comment on the answer to the Minister of Finance (Finance) Sri Mulyani of BI reports which were considered to be complete before the Special Committee (Special Committee) Rights Questionnaire Century Bank.

"I have not commented before, let the committee go," said Nasution told reporters on Friday (15/1/2010) in Jakarta.

Earlier, Sri Mulyani threw his frustration with the performance of BI when examined as a witness in the investigation of the Special Committee meeting Rights Questionnaire Parliament. Finance Minister admitted that time was not satisfied about the report containing the problems of BI in Bank Century.

When asked about the improvement in the BI, especially the problem of bank supervision, Nasution said it had made several steps.

According to him, reform of bank supervision carried out since 2006 by uniting the Bank Inspection Directorate and the Directorate of Bank Supervision. "Improvements have been done. If you follow the news why an explanation of merger (Century) and all that it was time in the 2000s. It's time for Supervision and Inspection directorate separately so often disagreements between the two," Nasution said.

Since 2006, he continued, the two directorates are merged to eliminate differences of opinion between the two directorates.

At the end of December 2008, said Nasution, Boediono (former Governor of Bank Indonesia) also did reposition the senior officials at the Bank, including in the Directorate Supervision.

Nasution said that BI had to make corrections, but there needs to be done, ie the potential number of rules interpretation or discretion will be corrected. "Regulations must be fixed so as not to give birth again the opportunity to interpret or for discretion," he said.

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Clarification name, the Special Committee Century Call INTRAC

JAKARTA, - Special Rights Committee Questionnaire Century Bank next week will call back to the Head of Reporting and Analysis Center for Financial Transactions (PPATK) Yunus Husein bailout fund flows associated Rp 6.7 trillion.
The names are similar to the political elite of Sri Mulyani, Hadi Utomo, Fahmi Idris, Megawati, and Frans Seda.

Apart from asking for explanations and clarifications related names similar to the government and political elite, the House Special Committee also will invite the names that appear due to receive the flow of funds in the period of time Century Bank received an injection of Deposit Institution (LPS).

"However, until now we still will learn and will first discuss it internally in the Century Bank of the Special Committee. However, about that's what we agendakan," said Idrus Marham, when contacted Compass, Thursday (14/1/2010) at the Parliament Building, Jakarta.

Idrus acknowledge that names similar to the political elite as presented INTRAC. In fact, there are the names that receive the flow of funds Century Bank. However, Idrus claimed not to know who these names.

"I do not know, because they have not discussed in committee," he dodged.

However, Idrus admitted flows related reports from INTRAC, who received the Special Committee and the House of Representatives in early January, was distributed to each faction in the Parliament.

Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives Special Committee of Struggle PDI faction from Gaius Lumbuun, two weeks ago, before leading the investigation against the former head of Bank Indonesia is responsible for banking supervision, has officially announced the members of the House Special Committee. At that time, Gaius said the House Special Committee will soon discuss it first.

From the information collected Compass, the names are similar to the political elite of Sri Mulyani, Hadi Utomo, Fahmi Idris, Megawati, and Frans Seda.

Described by INTRAC own search results on ID card number, address of the sender based on the originating bank, the figure of the names are not the same as the actual name of the elite.

However, beyond that there are related names listed elites receive funding streams. The names themselves are still traceable.

Meanwhile, until this evening, Yunus Husein, still have not provided answers to questions related Compass names similar funds elite names that have cash flow Century Bank.

Government Ensure the Fuel Price and TDL Will Not Rise

JAKARTA, - Government to ensure there will be no increase in fuel prices and electricity rates in 2010 despite the world oil price is still fluctuating. Without a rate increase, the government is optimistic that the performance and reliability of supply by the state electricity company PLN is or can be improved.
Economic Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa mention it in the Office of the President, Jakarta, Wednesday (13 / 1).
"We have seen that there is absolutely no possibility to raise fuel prices," he said. Related to this, the government proposed the addition of fuel oil subsidies (BBM), LPG, and biofuels is Rp 28.1 trillion.
Oil price assumption in the Budget 2010 the government also proposed to be revised in the Budget 2010 changes to 80 U.S. dollars per barrel. Earlier oil price assumption of 65 dollars a barrel. The price of crude oil in the world market today range from 80 dollars a barrel.
"Right now, right, is still very volatile, oil prices quickly changed. Later we see in the Revised discussion, but we do not rush to conclusions because of our standards, is not, for one year, "said Hatta.
According to Hatta, the government does not want to decide on a limit to how rising world oil prices would also make the fuel price in the country increased.
"Do not berprediksi once, let alone predict an increase in oil prices," he said.
With the addition of electricity subsidies, Coordinating Minister also confirmed that PLN can still be strengthened and improved performance without the need to raise the TDL.
"The government will concentrate on improving the performance of PLN, PLN's financial problem solving, and strengthen the reliability of supply to PLN byarpet not anymore," said Hatta.
Press release Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said, the retail selling price of a particular fuel, premium gasoline, diesel oil, and kerosene as of January 15, 2010 did not change. The Government will continue to follow the fluctuations in world oil prices in one to two months in advance.

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