JAKARTA - The case of break-banking customer account balances through automatic teller machines (ATMs) more marak.Bank Indonesia (BI) suspected international syndicate was behind the burglary.
DEPUTY Governor of BI Budi Rochadi revealed, until yesterday BI has received the customer's account break-ins reported at six banks namely Bank Central Asia (BCA), Bank Mandiri, Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Permata and Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII).
Value loss due to burglary was confirmed billions of dollars from a bank because there are broken up Rp4, 1 billion from 236 customer accounts. "Mode does the same is happening in foreign countries. We think there is an international network of syndicates that do piercing it, "said Budi Rochadi in Jakarta yesterday. Burglary cases banking customer account balances via an ATM banking back terjadi.Kalangan began receiving reports from customers about this case on January 16, 2010.
From the initial investigation results are known, piercing the customer's account after the perpetrators stole an ATM card data through the friction process (skimming) or recording (taping) and shadowing personal identification number (PIN) customers (see infografis). Mode like this bloom occurred in Toronto, Canada , since last year. In Indonesia this case often occurs later in Bali. To prevent the spread of break-through ATM bank, Bank Indonesia asked banks to evaluate and detect all the ATM machines and electronic data capture (EDC). BI also asked banks immediately implement chip-based debit cards.
"We expect people to remain calm and wise and careful in doing banking transactions, especially using an ATM card. We also appealed to banks to bear the loss of customers, "he said. Until yesterday in Bali had recorded 15 clients who reported to the police-related case, some of them foreign nationals. They report to a number of police, Poltabes Denpasar, Bali or the Police. "The total loss was certainly our hitung.Tapi reach hundreds of millions of rupiah," said Pol Kapoltabes Kombes Denpasar Widana Gede Alit. From the official number of victims who reported to the police, most of the customers in the region BCA Kuta, Badung.
In Kuta police until yesterday afternoon there were five customers reported money in the account value reduced by the amount of bervariatif, began tens to hundreds of millions of rupiah. Even a customer, Lily Syriac, reported losing money Rp140 million. In his report, Lily admitted that it had learned during BCA check account balances via mobile banking on his cell phone on Sunday (17 / 1) 22.30 Wita. "I was really surprised to see the balance in the account Rp2.027.000 only. And I never deal last balance was still Rp142.027.000, "he said.
Two other BCA customers who also report to police Kuta is a citizen of the United States, namely Nicksic Robert Allan, and Richard Lewis Garrison. Nicksic reported as lost Rp25 million balance at the ATM to check the bank in Jalan Dewi Sri, Kuta, while Garrison reported his money gone Rp18, 5 million while the balance at an ATM to check the bank in Jalan Laksmana, Kuta. "The total value of the loss of five customers who reported to us to reach Rp255, 5 million," said Dody AKP Kapolsek Prawiranegara Kuta. Similar cases against customers of Bank Permata. A customer, Wayan Suparta, admitted to shrink balance Rp11, 5 million.
He then reported to the police Ubud. There are also foreign customers at Bank Permata Teuku Umar, Denpasar, who became the victim and was reported to police South Denpasar. He is Dario Kovacic, 47 years, Russian citizens living in Sanur, which lost money to Rp46 million. Besides the 15 officially reported victims, allegedly still many customers who choose reluctant to report because it was promised would be resolved internally by the bank. "Said the bank, two weeks everything will be resolved," said one customer BCA Branch of Kuta which declined to be named . Bali Police chief Inspector General of Police Sutisna said, his department was still investigating the various possible causes of the incident.
The possibility is included behavior of hackers who break into customer money. Although there are cases, bank activity in Denpasar and Kuta yesterday walked normal.Tidak no sign of withdrawing large sums of money by the customer. Visible armed police guard at the bank, security posts, as well as in front of the ATM. "This could be useful to anticipate at least actors who are desperate for action," said Sutisna. The police asked for banking customers to replace the lost funds.
"Yes, if the money lost it must be replaced because it kanbentuk of risk," said Head of Criminal Investigation (Kabareskrim) Police Headquarters Police Commissioner General Ito Sumardi International Airport Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang, Banten, yesterday. According to Ito, it had contacted Bali police chief and several banks in order to audit the ATM security system. He reminded that this incident could have happened to bank customers in other regions. "There may be other parties who are victims, too, will our data," he said.
Digital information technology expert forensic Ruby Z Alamsyah mode burglary suspect was done by syndicates who work neatly and professionally. Theft of money customers through ATM transactions can only be done using sophisticated equipment. "At least, there are three or four tools used to steal money from customers through ATM. The device is an ATM Skimmer, spy camera, magnetic writer, and tools to make fake ATM cards, "he said. He tells us, is not it difficult to get all the equipment. Only need capital of about USD1.000-1500.
"Moreover, all the equipment can be purchased through the Internet," he explained. It is difficult for customers to anticipate steps. One of the customers that can be done, says Ruby, is to know the right ATMskimmeritu tool. Unfortunately, customers in Indonesia have not understood how the form of an ATM Skimmer and need socialization to recognize the device. According to Ruby, in this case, the anticipation responsibilities in this perbankan.Kejadian industry shows that the bank's security procedures were still not optimal.
Intensify supervision
Diamond BNI Corporate Secretary Adams Katoppo admit there BNI customers who become victims of burglary customer account balance through the ATM. BNI will intensify supervision and doing search on the ATM-ATM company. "We do early detection of events that are not desirable," said Intan.
BNI currently is conducting the identification and verification of the report reduced balance due to some banking customers of suspicious transactions. If the verification shows that the reduction in balance due to factors outside the customer's negligence, BNI will replace the customer's money that the victim in a 2 x 24 hours after the results of verification. Vice President Director of Bank Permata Herwidayatmo explained, it's still in an investigation of the case. Bank Permata is coordinating with the BI and the local police.
"We still go into the case," he said. Bank Permata've got an internal team, legal team, information technology (IT), and risk management from headquarters to branch offices of Bank Permata in Bali. Bank Permata attempt to resolve the issue no later than one week ahead. BCA in the press release stated, the case indicated the loss of money due to shadowing customer PIN by unauthorized parties.
"Has occurred is indicated by shadowing PIN unauthorized parties when transacting at an ATM customer's bank in Bali some time ago," the press release contained in subdivisions released yesterday BCA Public Relations in Jakarta. BCA also has security measures in order to perform a similar incident does not happen again.
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